The flames ripe and tear at my body,
slowly stealing the life from my body.
I can feel my eyes start to pop from the heat, my blood boils in my veins.
In a few moments nothing.....silence....darkness
Suddenly, a light shines from above, a voice beckons "come".
I can feel my self start to rise up, but as I look down, I see my body.
I am dead.
As I rise high in the darkness I see flashes of light all around me, and i hear familiar voices, voices from my past, my life is flashing before my eyes, my childhood, my first bike, graduation....
But as I focus harder on the passing flashes from the past, I realize everything wrong I have done, the sins I have committed, I'm ashamed.
As I reach the gate, my head hangs low, I know that I do not deserve this prize.
I look up to see the Lord, standing before me, arms streched wide.
As I slowly move inthe the embrace, embarassed for my sins.
I hear whispered in my ear, "I love you."
That was beautiful.
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