Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Study Day Thoughts

People are who they want to be, no amout of influence, be it physical, of emotional, can change that.

If there was no religions would their still be sin?

if 1+1=2...then what does....me+you=?

if Adam and Eve never sinned, would we all still be here?

Cookies are good

I think I need a soundtrack for life..


(kirstyn) said...

I don't actually agree with you at all on this one.

People are who they are because they've been influenced. We learn everything we know from other people. Aside from maybe breathing and other involuntary things.

Everyone says they're an individual. But really we're just people who like or dislike certain things.

Yes people are who they are, but they've been influenced into the kind of person they are. Circumstance and events in life shape us...

Also, religion is man-made. Religion implies a list of things or rules that need to be followed. Faith on the other hand and a need to believe in something bigger than us is not man-made.

So yes, if there was no man-made religion there would still be sin, because there would still be faith, and conscience, and people would still have a choice.
With or without religion we're entitled to free choice, therefore we're entitled to sin.

Andy said...

now we're just being a stickler. it's okay, most pentecostal/alliance/non-denom/whatever do that.
i BELIEVE you should be reading his question as: if there was no religion (or faith), would there still be sin?

answer the question as it was intended, not as it was interpreted.