Monday, April 27, 2009

The only reason that I am even attempting to believe in God is because he predestined me to....
and the only reason that some one else wouldn't attempt to believe in God is because he didn't predestine him to...
and God will never turn anyone away that tries to come to him...
and we are not supposed to try to figure out if we have been predestined, we are just to believe and try to follow Jesus...

So then if we are not supposed to question whether or not God predestined us, we are just supposed to believe and follow, then wouldn't everyone be saved, because God would not turn any one away, and we would all be following and believing, the predestined and the non predestined, then wouldn't everyone go to heaven?

You know what, this is really confusing...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Guitar classes are going well, I can't feel the tips of my fingers. I'm going to start learning more complex songs, should be fun.